Need To Order A Black Chimney Cowl?

Although chimney cowls are considered optional, in most conditions and locations they’re essential.


Here in the UK, we get plenty of rain so it’s usually a necessity. Cowls can not only keep out the rain but prevent birds coming down your chimney and reduce levels of wind noise.


Jackdaws and rooks, in particular, are well-known for building their nests in chimneys and cowls are a great way to prevent this. They can often end up dropping twigs, bark and other objects down your chimney, which nobody wants.


Looking to order chimney cowls manufactured in the UK?


Based in North East England, Foxy Metal Fabrication produce both silver and black chimney cowls. All our products are finished to the highest standards. We also pride ourselves on the best possible customer service, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask.


We have chimney cowls in a number of sizes to suit your unique requirements. Foxy Metal Fabrication can offer free deliveries anywhere in the UK. We always aim to deliver our products within


If you need a black chimney cowl, simply explore our collection today. 

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